Access Driveway Permits | Whenever access to State Highways is needed for residential or commercial purposes, an access driveway permit is required. These permits are issued by the Permit Officer for the District in which the driveway will be located. |
Billboard Control Program | Following the passage of the Federal Highway Beautification Act of 1965 and Arkansas Act 640 of 1967, the construction and placement of billboards and off-premise signs became regulated along certain routes within the state. To ensure compliance with these two laws, the Department’s Beautification Section was created. It is their responsibility to monitor these routes, issue permits for signs in qualifying areas, and seek the removal of illegal signs. |
Hazardous Waste Permits | Hazardous Waste Initial Application and Annual Renewal Application. |
House Moving Permit | Application to Move a House |
Intrastate Authority Permit | The necessary registration forms for For-Hire General Freight Carriers, Passenger Carriers, Household Good Movers, and Mobile Home Movers. |
Limb Waiver and Vision Waiver | Intrastate Medical Waiver Applications |
Logo Signage | The Specific Services Signing (Logo) Program is used on the state’s freeway system to provide motorists with information concerning the availability of Gas, Food, Lodging, Camping, and Tourist Attractions at the upcoming exits. Business owners pay an annual fee to have their signs displayed. Interested parties should contact the Beautification Section for information regarding requirements and availability. |
Motor Fuel Import/Export Permits | Arkansas Motor Fuel Laws require motor fuel carriers to obtain a motor fuel license to import fuel into the state or to export fuel out of the state, and the laws require any load of fuel being imported or exported to be accompanied by an Import/Export Load Permit. |
Oversized and Overweight Permits | The Arkansas State Highway Commission, with respect to highways under their jurisdiction, upon receipt of an application made in person, by telephone, in writing, or via the internet, may issue a special permit to transport cargoes that cannot readily be reduced on our highways. The Commission has authorized the Director of the ARDOT to provide for the issuance of Multi-State Envelope Permits under the Multi-State Permit Agreement for oversize and overweight vehicles. Permit Rules for the Movement of an Oversize and Overweight Vehicles. |
Restore Property Visibility Policy (RPVP) Permit | This permit is to allow for the restoration of visibility to property adjacent to State Highways, pursuant to the Federal and State regulations for the effective control of outdoor advertising and State regulations for landscaping on State Highway rights of way. This permit is issued through the Permit Officer for the District in which the clearing is requested. |
Special Permit | A Special Permit is issued for work on the Arkansas Department of Transportation right of way that is not an access driveway. The permit is issued by the Permit Officer for the District in which the special permit is requested. |
Tourist Oriented Directional Signage (TODS) | Tourist Oriented Directional Signing (TODS) is a program used to provide travelers with directional information for certain types of businesses along rural, non-freeway routes and scenic byways. Business owners are assessed an annual fee to have their signs displayed. TODS is limited to certain types of businesses and specific areas. Interested parties should contact the Beautification Section for requirements and availability. |
Utility Permits | When a utility requests permission to install or maintain facilities on the Arkansas Department of Transportation right of way, a Utility Permit is needed. These permits are issued by the Permit Officer for the District in which the facility will be located. |