Restraining Condition Clearance Off-site Area Locator
A restraining condition is defined as a condition and/or material that is, or can reasonably be suspected of being archeologically or historically significant, environmentally sensitive, and/or hazardous waste or substances.
This website and interactive mapping application is provided to assist contractors in searching, locating, reviewing, and submitting restraining conditions during the construction process. Its purpose is to help contractors expedite some portions of the off-site location selection process, aid in expediting the clearance process where previously approved and/or denied sites already exist, and allow access to a web-map application, maps of those areas, and other relevant information before submitting the request to the appropriate Resident Engineer.
Mitigation Site Locator (MiSiL)
The Mitigation Site Locator (MiSiL) enables everyone the ability to view the Department’s managed mitigation banks and sites. Information such as acreage and whether a location is active/inactive is available with a simple click of the mouse. The MiSiL app also contains a layer of the RIBITS (Regulatory In-lieu Fee and Bank Information Tracking System) data. The application will continue to progress and expand its capabilities.